Professional Directory
Application Form

  • A free directory listing, which includes your name, qualifications, contact details and picture.

  • All applicants must have completed a Positive Neuroplasticity Training course (taught by Dr. Rick Hanson or a certified PNT Teacher), and the Professional Course taught by Dr. Rick Hanson.

  • We provide this directory as a service to our viewers.
  • You are responsible for the accuracy of your submission; please contact us if any errors occur in your listing.
  • Please contact us with any updates to your listing.

  • Please read our Term of Use prior to filling out this application.

Professional Directory Application Form

Please fill out this form to be considered for inclusion in the Professional Directory on


I have completed a full 18-hour Positive Neuroplasticity Training course with Dr. Rick Hanson or a certified PNT Teacher.(Required)

I have completed Dr. Rick Hanson's Professional Course in PNT.(Required)

Location you work from(Required)
City and Country are displayed on your Directory Card. Street address is not displayed on your Directory Card, but the general location will be visible on a map on your Single Entry page.
Email addresses in the Directory are encrypted for security.
Your phone number will appear in your listing.
Do we have a headshot on file for you?(Required)
If no, please upload one below.
If we don't have a headshot on file for you, please upload one here.
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 2 MB.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.